Patient Full Name (First, Middle & Last)
Do you have social security card?
Yes No
Do you have identification? (driver’s license, ID, passport, green card)
Yes No
Your Phone Number
Emergency Contact Name and Relationship
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Next Are you a Veteran?
Yes No
Are you currently enrolled in school?
Yes No
Are you currently employed? (Please note that employment is restricted for clients for the first 4 months)
Yes No
Are you a sexual offender? (Due to our proximity to a school, we are required to ask this questions)
Yes No
How did you hear about ARM?
What led you to come here today?
If accepted what are your expectations of this treatment center?
What is your personal expectation of yourself?
Back Next Have you been in treatment before?
Yes No
Give the name of the Treatment Centers, Length of stay and Dates you were there.
How long did you stay sober after leaving each treatment center?
Give the reasons of each relapse
Back Next When was the last time you used?
What drugs?
How old were you when you started using drugs?
How old were you when you started drinking alcohol?
How often do you use drugs?
How often do you drink alcohol?
Have you used any of the following drugs? (Please check all that apply.)
Alcohol Marijuana Heroin Bath Salts Cocaine Amphetamine Meth Club Drugs PCP LSD Inhalants Prescription K2/Spice Steroids Ecstasy/Molly
Do you use alcohol or drugs to get started in the morning?
Yes No
Has your physician ever told you to cut down or stop using alcohol/drugs?
Yes No
Has the use alcohol/drugs caused you to be late to or miss work?
Yes No
Has the use of alcohol/drugs affected your home life or relationship?
How do you feel about your use of alcohol/drugs?
Back Next Do you have any Tickets/Citations/Warrants?
Yes No
How many Tickets/Citations/Warrants?
1 2 3 4 5 or more
Description of Tickets/Citations (Nature, county, etc.)
Have you ever been arrested?
Yes No
Have you been to prison?
Yes No
Are you currently on probation or parole?
Yes No
How long is your sentence?
What is your probation/parole officer name and telephone number?
Back Next Do you have a mental health diagnosis?
Yes No
Are you currently being treated?
Yes No
Do you hear any voices?
Yes No
Do the voices tell you to do violent things to yourself or others?
Yes No
What are the voices saying
Has anyone in your family had mental, or emotional problems? (For example: depression, suicide, mania, schizophrenia, anxiety, drug, or alcohol, etc.)
Yes No
Have you ever been in counseling or mental health treatment before? (For example: Counselor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Marriage/Family Counselor)
Yes No
Have you ever been hospitalized for mental and emotional problems?
Yes No
Have you attempted suicide?
Yes No
Check any of the following symptoms that you’ve experienced in the last 30 days
Change in appetite Excessive drinking Anger management Problems with drug use Weight gain/loss Fatigue/lack of energy Panic attacks Anxiety Loneliness Nightmares Memory problems Sexual abuse Sexual desire Mood swings Hallucinations Low self-esteem Self-mutilation Difficulty concentrating Confusion Flashbacks Depression Headaches Sleep disturbance/insomnia Guilt Paranoia Delusions Fears/phobia Violence Compulsive behaviors Hyperactivity poor impulse control
Please list other symptoms not listed above:
Back Next Primary Care Physician
Date of Last Medical Exam
Do you have any terminal illnesses or physical limitations?
Yes No
Have you received a COVID vaccination? (All staff and clients are required to be fully vaccinated)
Yes No
Back Next Our primary care is a six-month program for people with drug and alcohol addiction and emphasizes discipleship. Are you willing to submit to the program of recovery?
Yes No
The cost if $500 a month. Are you able to pay this?
Yes No