Substance Abuse

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Substance abuse treatment with ARM Dallas meets the needs of the addicted, and the support system who stands by them in the difficult journey of healing. The decision to take on treatment is the most difficult first step in the path to recovery. Coming to the decision to receive treatment takes courage and inner strength. Encouragement from family and friends is often helpful. 

Understanding the elements of substance abuse is paramount in making decisions to formulate each individual plan of action for a successful recovery. Our committed experienced staff members provide a safe and caring environment to evaluate and encourage participants to develop an awareness of their physical and mental health, incorporating healthy choices in their daily challenges and begin a path that will lead them out of addiction. 

What is Substance Abuse?

person using syringe on yellow stone on spoon

Substance abuse, in medical terms, is the overuse of a substance which causes physical and emotional distress for an individual. Substance abuse is a recognized medical brain disorder where one abuses substances such as illicit drugs, alcohol, legal prescriptions, nicotine, and other mind-altering chemicals. Substance-related problems are linked with further abuse of the substance until the addict’s life is out of control. Substance abuse can happen to anyone, and for any reason. Something as simple as using alcohol to cope with a major life change can spin out of control into addiction in a noticeably brief time. 

Common Types Of Substance Abuse 

Alcohol is the most common substance abused. AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) is diagnosed when the pattern of drinking alcohol is causing significant negative issues in a persons’ life.  Alcohol abuse can lead to changes in the brain and cause significant organ damage in the body. The good news is that making the decision to receive treatment can mitigate most negative effects the abuse caused. Behavioral therapies and medications are often used to alleviate mental health side effects. 

Individual diagnosis depends on the primary substance abused. SUDs include, alcohol use disorder, opioid use disorder, stimulant use disorder, marijuana use disorder or sedative use disorder. There is also the possibility of being diagnosed with an SUD of more than one kind of substance, known as a polysubstance use disorder. It is almost impossible to predict who will abuse substances, as addiction affects people from all walks of life.  

Common substances that are often abused include:

  • Alcohol
  • Heroin
  • Prescription drugs (Opioids including Fentanyl and Heroin)
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Marijuana  

Addiction impacts every area of a person’s life, not just their ability to grow and thrive. Substance abuse can have serious negative consequences on relationships, jobs, and physical and mental health. Substance abuse can cause an individual to lose all concept of what is truly important in their life. Commonly the drug involved becomes the most important aspect of life. 

Signs and Symptoms Of Substance Abuse 

Educating yourself can help you get your loved ones the treatment they need. Knowing the signs of substance abuse is the best way for early detection and prevention of long-term issues. Indications that a loved one is struggling with substance abuse can include problems with everyday life including school or work. Maintaining a responsible lifestyle is not possible when a substance is controlling the mind and body. Symptoms can be diverse – depending upon the substance being abused. 

Physical and Psychological Factors

  • Bloodshot eyes, pupils larger or smaller than usual
  • Changes in eating or sleep patterns
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Sudden change in weight
  • Tremors, slurred speech, or impaired coordination
  • Unusual odors on breath, body, or clothing
  • Appearing fearful, anxious, or paranoid without reason
  • Short bursts of increased energy, nervousness, or anxiousness
  • Sudden mood swings, irritability, or outbursts
  • Unexplained change in personality or attitude

 Behavioral Changes

  • Relationship dysfunction
  • Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors
  • Frequently getting into legal trouble
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home
  • Sudden change in friends, favorite hangouts, and hobbies
  • Unexplained financial problems
  • Increased tolerance to substances
  • Increased drug use to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, restlessness, insomnia, depression, sweating, shaking, anxiety
  • Abandoning activities that the individual once found enjoyable 
  • Continuing to use regardless of negative consequences 
  • Personal appearance can change drastically. When someone is in the grip of addiction, grooming, good hygiene and good eating can go by the wayside. 

Substance Abuse Statistics Texas

Drug trafficking across the Texas border is a major contributing factor in the opioid epidemic in Texas. Fentanyl is cheap to manufacture as a rule; cartels often cut heroin with this highly dangerous and deadly synthetic opioid. People struggling with opioid addiction are at a greater risk of overdose and death for these reasons.

In the US alone, over 130 people die every day from the overdose of opioids.  The drug abuse crisis is continuing to grow, making it the leading cause of death to Americans under the age of 50. As of 2017, only 19% of people who needed substance abuse treatment, received care. For the first time on record, the odds of dying from an accidental opioid overdose are greater than dying in a motor-vehicle crash, with 70,237 people dying of drug overdose in 2017 alone.

 As serious as the opioid problem is in Texas, alcohol misuse is the most common substance abused in Texas and is often overlooked.  According to the Texas Department of Transportation, “Of the 3,769 people killed in traffic crashes in Texas in 2000, more than half (1,898) died in alcohol-related crashes. Drunk drivers are rarely the only people hurt in an alcohol-related crash. In 1999, 25,547 people were injured in Texas traffic crashes involving alcohol. On average, someone is injured in an alcohol-related crash in Texas every 20 minutes.’’

Substance Abuse Treatment in Texas

Treatment for substance abuse is vital in halting the addiction epidemic. By aiding in ending the stigma of addiction, abuse, and recovery, we can begin to break cycles, heal individuals, and help communities thrive. Know that you are not alone and that we are here to help you. Contact ARM Dallas today for help with any substance abuse issues and concerns.

At ARM Dallas, our caring and professional staff can help treat substance abuse issues while providing a safe and healthy environment. We look forward to assisting you on your path to recovery, and a new way of life. Contact us at 214-943-5010.

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    ARM Dallas is devoted to healing those struggling with addiction, mental health disorders, and dual diagnosis through faith-based treatment and unwavering support.

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